
Since 2010, we have been providing professional services for small businesses in and around the York area including

  • Graphic Design
  • Creation of business systems including employment manuals
  • The creation of business cards, letterheads and marketing materials including brochures
  • Management of our clients’ social media presence
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Invoicing and Credit Control
  • Assistance in determining prices and T&Cs to improve profitability
  • General IT support for PCs, Mobiles and Smart Devices

In 2023, we will be widening our offer to create a YouTube Business Advice channel to cover small businesses in the United Kingdom and beyond providing:

Practical, well researched business related hints and tips on how you can grow your Small & Medium sized enterprises (SME).

Proven strategies to determine your rates, prices and T&Cs to get fair and profitable returns from reliable customers & clients

Detailed ways to help determine the service levels that your business wants and can offer and how to fit that in with your current and future client profiles.

Ideas how you can sell more products or services to your existing base and/or sell your existing products or services to more customers.

Ways to ensure you can operate your business securely and safely to deliver an excellent service to reliable customers and avoid wasting your time, your money and efforts on losers and scammers.

In-depth Product Reviews of new software and hardware that can help you do more work in less time and deliver a better service or product to your clients.

All of this is presented by Nikki Williams who has spent her entire life working in small to medium sized businesses in B2B and B2C sales, marketing, engineering & design, delivering exceptional levels of customer service in everything she has done,

Since 1992, she has built and run her own companies in computer security, engineering, law & portable buildings winning Business Awards & latterly ran a successful boutique B&B winning consistent5/5 reviews on Trip Advisor for the 9 years of its existence.


So please join us soon – due to be launched sometime in 2023.

We also hope to be creating an eCommerce Portal selling Print-On-Demand merchandise for our own local clients as well as for our sister company, Bentham Lodge, selling their specialist houseplant substrates, plant support products and bio-safe plant treatments.